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"The Next Century of Stewardship at Dumbarton Oaks" with Jonathan Kavalier - Thursday, August 29 at 4:00 pm at Neighborhood House


Thursday, August 29 at 4:00 pm
Neighborhood House, Northeast Harbor
$10 members / $20 non-members / free for students

*If you register to attend on Zoom, a link will be sent you separately. 

Jonathan Kavalier has served as Director of Gardens and Grounds at Dumbarton Oaks since 2018, and has spent the past 24 years working in public garden management and horticulture in the Washington DC area and abroad. Jonathan will offer a virtual exploration of Dumbarton Oaks as he shares the design history and management over the past century, along with contemporary guiding principles that are influencing future stewardship preservation priorities. He will present challenges and opportunities that come with historical gardening in a 21st century context, and highlight some of the work the gardeners at Dumbarton Oaks are pursuing to ensure its preservation and relevance in the next century. Jonathan is the editor of the revised "Beatrix Farrand’s Plant Book of Dumbarton Oaks" (2022). A book sale and signing will follow the program

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